Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


OAKES, Enid Emily
Believed to have visited or resided in Carnamah ... [more]

OAKES, John Ernest Humphrey
Farmer in Carnamah ... [more]

OAKEY, Elizabeth Ellen
Resided on Oakblyn Farm in Latham ... [more]

OAKLEY, Herbert Percival
Farmer in Three Springs ... [more]

OAKLEY, Mary Matilda Mrs
Resided on farmland in Three Springs ... [more]

OALSON, George
Resided in Three Springs ... [more]

Resided in Three Springs ... [more]

OATES, Annie
Resided on farmland in Three Springs ... [more]

OATES, Louisa Annie
Ready-Made Farm settler / Resided on Kilburn Farm in Carnamah ... [more]

OATES, Mary Elizabeth
Visitor to Carnamah ... [more]

OATES, Sarah
Resided in Winchester, South Carnamah ... [more]

OATES, Walter
Farmer in Three Springs ... [more]

OBERTI, Armanda
Farmhand in Arrino ... [more]

O'BRIEN, Cecelia Day
Resided in Three Springs ... [more]

O'BRIEN, James
Labourer in Carnamah ... [more]

O'BRIEN, Joseph
Labourer in Arrino ... [more]

O'BRIEN, Julia Mary
Resided in Arrino and on Mayrhofer Street in Three Springs ... [more]

O'BRIEN, Mabel Agnes
Resided in Arrino and Yandanooka ... [more]

O'CALLAGHAN, Annie Rosalind
Resided in Coorow ... [more]

O'CALLAGHAN, Gerard Anthony
Miner in Three Springs ... [more]

O'CALLAGHAN, William Michael "Bill"
Labourer, Farmer and Commission Agent in Coorow ... [more]

Blacksmith in Carnamah and Contractor in Coorow ... [more]

Teamster in Winchester, Labourer in Mingenew and Farmhand in Perenjori ... [more]

O'CONNELL, Thomas Daniel
Labourer in Three Springs ... [more]

Teacher at the Dominican Convent School in Three Springs ... [more]

O'CONNOR, Alice Margaret
Resided in Carnamah and Three Springs ... [more]

O'CONNOR, Daisy A.
Domestic Employee at the Commercial Hotel in Three Springs ... [more]

O'CONNOR, Desmond Michael
Sales Representative in Three Springs ... [more]

O'CONNOR, Dorothy May
Resided in Three Springs ... [more]

O'CONNOR, Evelyn
Resided on Karina Farm on the Inering Estate in Carnamah ... [more]

O'CONNOR, Frances
Laundress at the North Midlands District Hospital in Three Springs ... [more]

O'CONNOR, Gladys Rose
Teacher at the Dominican Convent School in Three Springs ... [more]

O'CONNOR, Joan Dorothy
Resided in Three Springs ... [more]

Caretaker of Earra Farm in Arrino ... [more]

O'CONNOR, Maureen Eleanor
School Teacher in Three Springs ... [more]

O'CONNOR, Patrick Michael
Farmhand in Carnamah ... [more]

O'CONNOR, Robert Allan
Farmer in Three Springs ... [more]

O'DEA, Margaret Josephine
Resided in Arrino ... [more]

O'DEA, Michael James
Farmer and Contractor in Carnamah ... [more]

O'DEA, Patrick
Labourer in Arrino, Contractor in Perenjori and Farmer in Koolanooka ... [more]

O'DONNELL, Francis Xavier "Frank"
Postmaster of the Post Office at 12 Macpherson Street in Carnamah ... [more]

Teamster in Coorow ... [more]

O'DONNELL, Olive Althea May
Resided in Carnamah ... [more]

O'DONOGHUE, Annie Rosalind
Resided in Coorow ... [more]

O'DWYER, Deborah Frances
Resided with her parents on the Inering Estate in Carnamah ... [more]

O'DWYER, Mary Agnes
Resided on farmland in Coorow ... [more]

OFFER, Kathleen Maude
Resided on Mayrhofer Street in Three Springs ... [more]

OGBORNE, Doris Beatrice Martha
Clerk in Three Springs and Shop Assistant in Mingenew ... [more]

OGG, Douglas Graham "Doug"
Farmhand and Well Repairer in Carnamah ... [more]

OGG, Jamesina "Ina"
Employee of the Pyramid Tea Rooms at 13 Macpherson Street in Carnamah ... [more]

O'GRADY, Arthur Hare
Farmer in Carnamah ... [more]

O'GRADY, Clarence Darby "Darby" / "Bob"
Fitter's Assistant in Carnamah ... [more]

O'GRADY, Dudley Standish "Stan"
Garage Proprietor at 16 Boojerabba Street and 4 Macpherson Street in Carnamah ... [more]

O'GRADY, Eileen Helen
Resided in Carnamah ... [more]

O'GRADY, Eva Mildred
Resided on The Mannas Farm and at 15 Yarra Street in Carnamah ... [more]

O'GRADY, Francis Burfoot "Frank"
Farmer in Carnamah and Motor Mechanic in Three Springs ... [more]

O'GRADY, Hilda Sophia
Resided in Carnamah and Three Springs ... [more]

O'GRADY, Standish Darby "Darby"
Farmer in Carnamah ... [more]

O'GRADY, Vernon Hayes
Farmer in Carnamah ... [more]

Farmers in Carnamah ... [more]

O'HALLORAN, Charles Walter "Pat"
Grazier of White Hill Station in Mingenew ... [more]

O'HALLORAN, Edward McWilliam
Carpenter in Carnamah and Three Springs ... [more]

O'HALLORAN, John Sylvester
Pastoralist of White Hill Station and Farmer of Corabella Farm in Mingenew ... [more]

O'HARA, Bernard Aloysius "Bernie"
Teller at the Bank of New South Wales at 15 Macpherson Street in Carnamah ... [more]

O'HARA, Esther
Resided on farmland in Dudawa, East Arrino and in Three Springs ... [more]

O'HARA, Marian
Proprietress of the Coffee Palace in Three Springs ... [more]

O'HERN, Alma Hope
Resided with her parents on farmland in Gunyidi ... [more]

O'HERN, Florence Gladys
Resided in Arrino and later on farmland in Gunyidi ... [more]

O'HERN, George
Farmer in Gunyidi ... [more]

O'HERN, George William
Police Constable in Mingenew and Farmer in Gunyidi ... [more]

O'HERN, James
Farmer in Gunyidi ... [more]

O'HERN, Margaret
Resided in Mingenew and later on farmland in Gunyidi ... [more]

O'HERN, William
Resided with his parents on farmland in Gunyidi ... [more]

O'KEEFFE, Nora May
Resided in Three Springs ... [more]

OKES, Frederick
Station owner in Three Springs ... [more]

OKES, Howard Cecil
Labourer in Carnamah ... [more]

OLD, Ada Jane
Housemaid at the Commercial Hotel in Three Springs ... [more]

OLDEN, Doris Mary May "Dorrie"
Waitress at the Commercial Hotel in Three Springs ... [more]

OLDEN, Samuel Roy "Roy"
Farmer in Three Springs ... [more]

OLDFIELD, Eliza Cecilia "Cecilia" / "Sissy"
Resided in Coorow and Winchester, South Carnamah ... [more]

Resided in Gunyidi ... [more]

OLDFIELD, Frederick George Stanley "Fred"
Resided with the Booth family in Carnamah after being abandoned by his mother ... [more]

Resided with his mother and stepfather in Coorow and Winchester ... [more]

OLDFIELD, John Joseph
Railway Employee in Arrino ... [more]

OLDFIELD, Lewis Charles "Lew"
Barman at the Carnamah Hotel at 22 Macpherson Street in Carnamah ... [more]

OLDFIELD, William John "Bill"
Resided with his mother and stepfather in Coorow and Winchester ... [more]

Employee of the Bank of Australasia at 8 Macpherson Street in Carnamah ... [more]

OLIVER, Alice Amelia
Resided in Arrino, Three Springs and Bowgada ... [more]

OLIVER, Arthur
Sandalwood Cutter in Perenjori and Labourer in Three Springs and Bowgada ... [more]

OLIVER, Ellen Jane
Resided on Manarra Farm in Mingenew ... [more]

OLIVER, Ellen Margaret "Biddy"
Housemaid at the Commercial Hotel in Three Springs ... [more]

OLIVER, Ivy Grace
Clerk in Mingenew ... [more]

OLIVER, John Patrick "Jack"
Labourer, Farmhand and Grader Driver in Three Springs ... [more]

OLIVER, Margaret
Resided in Three Springs ... [more]

Resided in Marchagee and Coorow ... [more]

OLIVER, Mary Lena
Resided in Three Springs ... [more]

OLIVER, Richard
Land Clearer in Three Springs ... [more]

OLIVER, Sophia
Absentee owner of Glen Rock and ... [more]

OLIVER, William Shepherd
Farmer at Strawberry in the Mingenew district ... [more]

OLLE, Alice Margaret
Resided on Parkwood Farm in Three Springs ... [more]

Farmhand on Parakalia Farm in Three Springs ... [more]

OLSEN, George
Railway Line Repairer in Carnamah ... [more]

Resided on Robertson Street in Carnamah ... [more]

OLSON, Carl "Charlie" / "Swogger"
Contractor in Carnamah, Well Sinker in Coorow and a Farmer in Coorow and Carnamah ... [more]

O'MARA, John David
Police Constable in Three Springs ... [more]

O'MARA, John Joseph
Farm Manager in Three Springs ... [more]

O'MARA, Mrs Elizabeth Ann
Resided at the police quarters on Maley Street in Three Springs ... [more]

O'MEARA, Martin
Farmhand in Three Springs ... [more]

O'MEARA, Patrick
Farmhand in Carnamah ... [more]

O'NEIL, John
Labourer on the Woopenatty Station in Arrino ... [more]

O'NEILL, Bernadette Ellen Johanna
Resided on farmland in Winchester ... [more]

O'NEILL, Cecil Bernard
Farmer in Winchester, South Carnamah ... [more]

O'NEILL, Edward
Blacksmith in Winchester, South Carnamah ... [more]

O'NEILL, James
Labourer in Winchester, South Carnamah ... [more]

O'NEILL, James Joseph
Farmer in Winchester, South Carnamah ... [more]

O'NEILL, Lawrence Matthew
Farmer in Winchester, South Carnamah ... [more]

O'NEILL, Reginald "Reg"
Tractor Driver, Teamster and Overseer in Arrino ... [more]

OPPERMANN, August Christian Martin "Martin"
Teamster and Farmer in Three Springs ... [more]

OPPERMANN, August Hugo "Hugh"
Teamster in Carnamah and Farmer in Three Springs and Mullewa ... [more]

OPPERMANN, Honorah "Norah"
Resided on farmland in Three Springs and at Kockatea near Mullewa ... [more]

OPPERMANN, Sarah Elizabeth
Housekeeper in Three Springs ... [more]

Yardman at the Commercial Hotel in Three Springs ... [more]

ORLICZ, Jan Bronislaw "Bruno"
Builder and Agent for Millars' Timber and Trading Company in Carnamah ... [more]

O'ROURKE, Aileen Joyce
Resided in Carnamah with her father and stepmother ... [more]

ORR, David Edward
Farmhand on Trevose Farm on the Inering Estate in Carnamah ... [more]

Resided in Winchester, South Carnamah and in Dongara ... [more]

OSBORNE, Beulah Emily
Resided on Coorow Station and Jun Jun Farm in Coorow ... [more]

Barman at the Commercial Hotel in Three Springs ... [more]

OSBORNE, Joseph Edward
Repairer in Nugadong, East Gunyidi ... [more]

OSBORNE, Libra "Billy"
Storekeeper of the General Store and Post Office in Winchester, South Carnamah ... [more]

O'SHANNESSY, Constance Evelyn
Resided with her parents on Merolia Farm in Arrino ... [more]

O'SHANNESSY, Daisy Margaret
Resided on Merolia Farm in Arrino ... [more]

O'SHANNESSY, Daisy Margaret
Resided with her parents on Merolia Farm in Arrino ... [more]

O'SHANNESSY, James Aloysius
Farmer of Merolia Farm in Arrino ... [more]

O'SHANNESSY, James Joseph
Resided with his parents on Merolia Farm in Arrino ... [more]

O'SHANNESSY, Norah Katherine
Resided with her parents on Merolia Farm in Arrino ... [more]

O'SHANNESSY, Stanley Aloysius
Resided with his parents on Merolia Farm in Arrino ... [more]

O'TOOLE, Sara Teresa
Farmer of Parakalia Farm in Three Springs ... [more]

OTTE, Baby
Child of Carnamah ... [more]

OTTE, Elizabeth Jane Isabel
Resided in Carnamah and on Pine Park Farm in Bunjil ... [more]

OTTE, Eric Wilbur Walsh "Wilbur"
Farmhand in Carnamah and the Farmer of Pine Park Farm in Bunjil ... [more]

OTTE, Frederick Anton "Fred"
Clearer and Sharefarmer in Carnamah and a Farmhand in Carnamah and Yandanooka ... [more]

OTTE, James Alexander "Alex"
Resided in Carnamah and Bunjil ... [more]

OTTE, Marjorie Elizabeth "Marj"
Resided at the Manse on Yarra Street in Carnamah and later in Yandanooka ... [more]

OTTE, Norman
Contract Clearer and Farmhand in Carnamah ... [more]

OVENDEN, Laura Iris
Resided in Carnamah ... [more]

OVENDEN, Melvyn Robert "Mel"
Resided with his parents in Carnamah ... [more]

OVENDEN, Robert James "Jim"
Manager of the Millars' Timber and Trading Company yard in Carnamah ... [more]

OVENS, Kathleen Fayth "Kath"
Resided on Enfield Park Farm in Waddy Forest ... [more]

OVERHEU, Freda Constance
Resided at the Coorow Hotel in Coorow and at the Moora Hotel in Moora ... [more]

OVERSBY, John "Jack"
Farmhand in Winchester, South Carnamah and Farmer of Crosby Farm in Perenjori ... [more]

Salesman in Three Springs ... [more]

OVERSBY, Ruth Linda May
Resided in Three Springs ... [more]

OVERSBY, Thomas Edward "Tom"
Farmhand in Winchester, South Carnamah and Farmer of Crosby Farm in Perenjori ... [more]

OWEN, Ada Florence
Resided in Carnamah ... [more]

OWEN, Bronwen Martha "Bron"
School Teacher of the Waddy Well State School in Waddy Forest ... [more]

Resided in Carnamah ... [more]

OWEN, Harold
Farmhand in Carnamah ... [more]

OWEN, Harold
Resided with his parents in Carnamah ... [more]

OWEN, Olga Miss
Resided in Three Springs ... [more]

OWEN, Violet Joyce "Joyce"
Resided with her parents in Carnamah ... [more]

OWEN, William Ernest "Cyclone Bill"
Postmaster in Three Springs ... [more]

OWEN-DAINTREY, Drucilla Florence
Resided in Coorow and later a Farmer in Latham ... [more]

Believed to have resided with her parents in Coorow ... [more]

OWEN-DAINTREY, Richard Marmaduke
Resided with his parents in Coorow; Farmer in Latham ... [more]

OWEN-DAINTREY, Robert Walter
Farmer in Coorow ... [more]

OWENS, Eliza
Housemaid in Carnamah ... [more]

OWSTON, Joyce Priscilla
Hairdresser in Mingenew ... [more]

OXBROW, Jean Annie Myra
Resided with her parents on Fairview Farm in Mingenew and in Three Springs ... [more]

Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs


Murray McErlain Wilson Margaret Niven Gladys Sylvia Wylie / Hussey / Prince Donald Ferguson Cumming Frank Charles Gilson Lucas Margaret Swan Dow / Bowman Mary Ellen Parkin Leslie Charles Byrne